The use of numbers may be more acceptable

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The use of numbers may be more acceptable

Post by Wade »

2. Short and clear Short and clear is what search engines want on every website, so that it is easy for users and search engines to understand. Use in the URL only important words that reflect the topic of the page being accessed. Use language that is easy to understand and avoid using special characters. Remember to choose the main keyword and use it in the url slug to improve SEO. A short and clear URL will make it easier for users to remember the URL and improve search engines. 3. Avoid Using Numbers Try to avoid using internal numbers. Especially if the number doesn't provide important information or doesn't significantly impact the meaning of the page.

Text slugs are usually more user-friendly and easier to remember than those containing numbers, unless the numbers have special meaning. However, there are situations where numbers can be relevant in a slug, such as in the Hong Kong WhatsApp Number Data case of product pages that have a reference number or unique identification required. In that context, . It's important to always think about readability and user comprehension when creating a slug. And make sure that the numbers used, if any, are well-reasoned and relevant to the page content. 4. Avoid Duplication URL duplication should be avoided, as it can reduce the credibility of the website and confuse users and search engines. Therefore, make sure every slug on your website is unique and not the same as the ones already on other pages.


You can also use word variations or synonyms to prevent slug duplication. If you are forced to use it, then make sure the page is truly different and has unique content. In this case, it is necessary to carry out proper SEO optimization to help avoid duplication. 5. Use Hyphens Using hyphens can separate the words in a slug and make it easier for users to read and understand. Additionally, the use of hyphens can help search engines to read and understand the structure of content on a web page.
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