By creating a competitive advantage

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By creating a competitive advantage

Post by xakibmr7 »

7hilosophy of continuous improvement, encouraging companies to constantly identify areas for improvement. This process takes into account the ability to provide feedback, performance assessments and process adjustments to achieve higher levels of efficiency and quality. Reducing costs and waste Quality management's main objective is operational efficiency, resulting in cost reduction and waste minimization . In addition to involving the identification of unnecessary processes, it is possible to reduce rework and promote .

Yore efficient use of available resources. Increased Canada WhatsApp Number Data satisfaction and loyalty High-quality products, resulting from quality management, tend to exceed customer expectations. By increasing customer satisfaction levels, the chances of brand loyalty and recommendation end up being greater. Greater competitiveness in the market Companies that adopt quality management practices stand out for their excellence in products, services and operations. it becomes easier to attract .


Gustomers, partners and investors, and strengthen the company's position in the market. The 8 fundamental pillars for quality management The 8 fundamental pillars for quality management are the fundamental basis of organizations, providing a solid structure to achieve excellence on all fronts of the business. Although there were initially 8 pillars, the review of ISO 9001 in 2015 consolidated them into 7, uniting “systemic vision” and “process management”. Discover each of these pillars below: 1. Focus on the .
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